Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Top 4 Greatest Bug-Type Pokémon

Today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 4 greatest bug type pokemon. Before we begin we publish new articles every day. So be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list. We'll be going over the most powerful memorable iconic and best-designed bug type Pokemon from the video games and anime.

Number 1) Beedrill:

 Its name Beedrill is a pokemon that resembles a bee or Hornets. With large thrill or months like stingers for four limbs a bug slash poison-type beetles deadly sting has been felt by many a trainer. As one of the first fully evolved Pokemon players can get in the first games. Get the Pokemon sage download rom from here 
Beedrill is not especially strong but its status as a teaching tool for inexperienced trainers and it's simple striking appearance is nostalgic for many Pokemon fans. Bejeweled did get a significant upgrade in power though when it received the ability to mega evolve into an even pointy ER form hell yeah.

Number 2) Fortress:

Fortress a spongy sort of creature encased in a hardshell fortress is a bug type pokemon with a cannon like protrusions encased in a card. The outer shell that lives up to the impenetrability of its name whoops blessed with the fantastic bug steal typing and strong defense. This program may not have the flush of some of our other entries but it remains one of the most consistently popular walls in this series able to tank hits and set up support moves with impunity. You can get pokemon rom hacks from
 Just don't let it anywhere near fire number eight Levin II what if a leaf insect was really a combination of a leaf and an insect levin II is a bug slash grass pokémon that resembles an upright version of the walking leaves of the real world sporting a leafy coat and a sunny yellow face with a permanent grin.

Number 3) Levin II: is a Pokemon that doesn't excel in one area in particular but it is a good all-rounder. It's general usefulness and endearing design and charming personalities is on full display in the anime where the perpetual protagonist ash has a particularly memorable. One of his own number seven yanmega if real dragonflies look like this pocket monster. We'd be afraid to step out the bloody door yanmega is an enormous bug flying.
Pogo I'm boasting a badass design Vega come out a newspaper with the monstrous dragonfly features. Excellent special attack and speed making a formidable opponent to fight and a great asset to have on any trainers team. Its abilities and appearance even helped the neverending joke that is Team Rocket with some moderate success so you know it's gonna be pretty good.

 Number 4) Volcarona:

We're drawn to this pokemon like moths to a flame Volcarona seems to have been built around that old adage. Since it's a bug / fire type this flame moth has a contradictory appearance as it manages to look simultaneously threatening with. Its six large red wings and strangely shaped eyes and it's kind of cute with this itty-bitty legs and p body ah it's also a special power house with great special attack. Defense and a move set to back it up give it all this along with it so far unique typing. It's not hard to see why so many love this bug number  genesect. The fusion of a once extinct Pokemon.

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